High purity blown Bitumen 115/15

bitumen 115/15 i PP-pose

Den ekte Bitumen 115/15 is a type of oxidized bitumen (also known as blown asphalt or blown bitumen). It is producing by blowing air through hot bitumen under controlled conditions, which increases its hardness and softening point.

How produce?

Bitumen er en type hydrokarbon og etter destinasjon og fjerning av hydrogen vil mer karbon fjernes og bli hardere. Ved å injisere varm luft til bitumen vil oksygenet til luften kombineres med hydrogen av bitumen og lage H2O og damp og resten av bitumen er mer karboninnhold og kalles oksidert bitumen.

The numbers 115/15 refer to its softening point (115°C) and penetration value (15, measure in 0.1 mm at 25°C), respectively. It is widely used in industrial applications due to its high durability, water resistance, and temperature stability.

Production Process of Bitumen 115/15

  1. Raw Material:

    • Base bitumen (typically penetration-grade bitumen like 60/70 or 80/100) is use as the starting material.

  2. Oxidation Process:

    • The base bitumen is heated to a high temperature (around 200–300°C) in a reactor.

    • Air is blown through the hot bitumen, causing oxidation. This process increases the bitumen’s hardness, softening point, and viscosity while reducing its penetration value.

    • The reaction is carefully controlled to achieve the desire properties (softening point of 115°C and penetration value of 15).

  3. Avkjøling og størkning:

    • The oxidized bitumen is cooled and solidified into blocks, slabs, or other forms for packaging and transportation.

Best Types of Packing for Bitumen 115/15

  1. Kartongesker:

    • Bitumen 115/15 is pack in 25 kg carton boxes for easy handling and transportation.

    • Suitable for small orders or retail distribution.

  2. Steel Drums:

    • Pack in 150–200 kg steel drums for industrial use.

    • Drums provide excellent protection against moisture and contamination.

  3. PP Bags (Polypropylene Bags):

    • Pack in 25 kg or 50 kg PP bags for bulk orders.

    • PP bags are cost-effective and suitable for large-scale transportation.

  4. Bulk Shipment:

    • For very large orders, bitumen 115/15 can ship in bulk tankers or meltable containers.

Minimum bestillingsmengde (MOQ):

  • The MOQ for Bitumen 115/15 depends on the supplier but typically ranges from 5 to 20 metric tons for drums or PP bags.

  • For bulk shipments, the MOQ is usually 500 metric tons or more.


  • It has a long shelf life if store properly.

  • When store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, it can last up to 20 years without significant degradation.

Quantity per Container:

bitumen 115/15 i kartong

bitumen 115/15 i trommel

bitumen 115/15 in bag

  • 20 fot container:Can hold approximately 20–22 metric tons of Bitumen 115/15 in drums or PP bags.

  • 40 fot container:

    • Can hold approximately 26–28 metric tons of Bitumen 115/15 in drums or PP bags.


  1. Håndtering:

    • It is solid at room temperature but becomes liquid when heated. Use appropriate protective gear (gloves, goggles, and heat-resistant clothing) when handling hot bitumen.

  2. Lagring:

    • Oppbevares på et kjølig, tørt sted vekk fra direkte sollys og varmekilder.

    • Keep away from open flames or sparks, as bitumen is flammable when heated.

  3. Transport:

    • Ensure proper ventilation during transportation to avoid the buildup of fumes.

    • Use heat-resistant containers for hot bitumen.

Specifications of Bitumen 115/15:

Eiendom Spesifikasjon
Mykningspunkt 115 °C (min)
Penetrasjonsverdi 15 (0.1 mm at 25°C)
duktilitet Low (not typically measured)
Flash Point 250 °C (min)
Solubility in CS₂ 99 % (min)
Tap på oppvarming 0.2 % (maks.)

Usage of Bitumen 115/15:

  1. Maling og belegg:

    • Use as a binder in industrial paints and coatings due to its water resistance and durability.

  2. Pipe Coatings:

    • Apply as a protective coating for pipelines to prevent corrosion and chemical damage.

  3. Tetningsmidler:

    • Use in the production of sealants for joints, cracks, and gaps in construction projects.

  4. Vanntetting:

    • Ideal for roofing membranes, damp-proofing, and waterproofing applications.

  5. Crack sealer and filler:

    • It is essential materials use in road maintenance and construction to repair cracks in asphalt or concrete surfaces. They prevent water, debris, and other harmful substances from penetrating the pavement, which can lead to further damage.

Oksidert bitumen 115/15 som brukes i taktekking og vanntetting

Waterproofing: Bitumen 115/15 is known for its excellent waterproofing properties, making it a suitable material for roofing. It forms a durable and watertight barrier that protects the underlying structure from water infiltration.

bitumen 115/15 for vanntetting

Torch-Down Application: Modified bitumen roofing sheets with a 115/15 using a torch-down method. The sheets are heated with a propane torch to activate the adhesive backing, allowing them to bond securely to the roof substrate.

Built-Up Roofing (BUR): Bitumen using as one of the layers in a built-up roofing system. In BUR, multiple layers of bitumen-saturated felt or fiberglass mats are alternate with layers of bitumen. These layers are then top with a protective surfacing, such as gravel or mineral granules, to provide UV protection and improve the roof’s durability.

Roof Repair and Maintenance: It can also using for roof repair and maintenance. It is applying as a coating or sealant to fix leaks, seal joints, or reinforce vulnerable areas on the roof. The fluidity and penetration properties of this grade make it suitable for filling cracks and gaps effectively.

Den beste karakteren anbefalt for rørbelegg

Bitumen 115/15 using as a coating material for pipes in various applications, primarily in the oil and gas industry. Here’s some information on its usage as pipe coating:

Corrosion Protection: One of the main purposes of using 115/15 as rørbeleggg is to provide corrosion protection. The coating acts as a barrier between the pipe surface and the surrounding environment, preventing corrosion cause by moisture, chemicals, and other corrosive substances.

External Coating: Bitumen applying as an external coating on pipes. The coating is typically applied in multiple layers to ensure adequate thickness and durability. The bitumen coating provides excellent resistance to water, soil, and atmospheric corrosion, protecting the pipe from degradation and extending its service life.

rørbelegg av bitumen 115-15

  • Bruksmetoder: asfalt 115/15 pipe coating using various methods, including hot-dip coating, hot-applied wrapping, or spray application. The specific method chosen depends on factors such as pipe diameter, project requirements, and site conditions.
  • Joint Coating: In addition to external coating, Using for coating pipe joints and welds. Coating the joints helps to maintain the overall integrity of the coating system and ensures that vulnerable areas are adequately protected against corrosion.
  • Thermal Insulation:  It is provide thermal insulation properties when use as pipe coating. This is particularly beneficial in pipelines where temperature control is require, such as in hot oil or steam transport systems. The bitumen coating helps to minimize heat loss or gain, improving energy efficiency.

Bitumen 115/15 sprøyting på betong årsak:

Spray-on belegg for betongoverflater for å gi ulike fordeler. Her er litt informasjon om bruken i denne applikasjonen:

  • Vanntetting

One of the primary purposes of applying bitumen 115/15 spray on concrete is to create a waterproof barrier. The coating helps to prevent water penetration into the concrete, protecting it from moisture-related issues such as cracking, spalling, and deterioration.

  • Beskyttende lag

115/15 danner et beskyttende lag på betongoverflaten, og skjermer den mot miljøfaktorer som UV-stråling, kjemisk eksponering og slitasje. Dette bidrar til å forlenge levetiden til betongen og opprettholde dens strukturelle integritet.

  • Sprekkeforsegling

Spraypåføringen av crack sealer 115/15 kan effektivt tette sprekker og hull i betongoverflater. Bitumenets flytende natur gjør at den trenger inn i sprekkene og skaper en tett forsegling, og forhindrer inntrenging av vann og ytterligere skade.


  • Anti-karbonasjonsbelegg

Bitumenbelegg kan fungere som antikarbonatiseringsbarrierer for betong. Karbonering er en prosess der karbondioksid fra atmosfæren reagerer med betongen, noe som fører til en reduksjon i alkalitet og potensiell korrosjon av innstøpt armering. Belegg 115/15 kan bidra til å redusere karboneringshastigheten ved å begrense diffusjonen av karbondioksid inn i betongen.

  • Slip Motstand

Bitumenbelegg med tilsetningsstoffer for å forbedre sklisikkerheten på betongoverflater. Dette er spesielt gunstig for områder der gang- eller kjøretøytrafikk er tilstede, siden det bidrar til å øke sikkerheten ved å gi bedre trekkraft.

Når du påfører bitumen 115/15 som spray-on belegg for betong, er det viktig å forberede overflaten ordentlig ved å rengjøre den grundig og sørge for at den er fri for forurensninger. Belegget skal påføres i henhold til produsentens retningslinjer, med hensyn til faktorer som temperatur, fuktighet og ønsket tykkelse på belegget.

Hvordan produserer bitumen 115/15?

Bitumen is a type hydrocarbon and after destination and remove of hydrogen more carbon will remove and become harder. By injecting hot air to bitumen the oxygen of air will combine with hydrogen of bitumen and make H2O and vapour and the remain bitumen is more carbon content and call oxidized bitumen.


1. Trommelpakking

Den pakker 80 fat per beholder

bitumen in drum

2. PP-posepakking

Den pakker 22MT per beholder

Bitumen in plastic bag


3. Håndverkspakking 

I tapspakking opp til 27MT er vi i stand til å laste.

bitumen craft bag

4. Kartongpakking

22 MT ved palllasting

bitumen i kartong

5. Smelbar pose

Den smelter i 230 grader og trenger ikke skrelles.

bitumen in bag

6. Fatpakking


How order to bitumen 115/15?

Optimal tilbud kreves for å klargjøre pakking, kvalitet og destinasjon for å kunne gi tilbud tilsvarende. Vi har salgsagent i mange mange land, og hvis du leter etter lokale kjøp, kan vi levere DDP til prosjektet.

Oksidert bitumen 115/15 fabrikk

Vår fabrikk ligger i UAE (Dubai) og Tyrkia (Ankara) og produserer bare 6000MT 115/15 og 150000MT bitumen 60/70 pluss 15000MT annen kvalitet blåst asfalt og 90 % av produkteksporten vår til Egypt, UAE, spesielt Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia, Kina, USA, India, Bahrain, Oman, Nederland, Spania, Italia, Elfenbensfrakker, Hellas, Sør-Korea, Taiwan og Thailand.

Sikkerhet ved bruk og arbeid

Når asfalt 115/15 er i romtemperatur, er det 100 % trygt og bør bare være på riktig lager for å være borte fra syre og brann, men når det er på høy temperatur må du ta vare på siden temperaturen er mer enn 230 grader.

Spesifikasjon og datablad bitumen 115/15

SPESIFIK GRAVITET @ 25/25 CG 1.04 D-70
DUKTILITET @ 25 °C 1.8 1.5 CM MIN
METTER (ASTM D2007) 6% D2007
ASFALTENE (IP 143) 37% IP 143
HARPIKS 28% D2007

Last ned COA for bitumen 115/15

HMS-datablad på 115/15